来源:未知 责任编辑:责任编辑 发表时间:2013-12-06 08:43 点击:次
#ifndef __BULLET_H__ #define __BULLET_H__ #include "Position.h" class Bullet { public: Bullet(const Position& from, float radius); Position getPosition() const; void setPosition(float x, float y); void setPosition(const Position& pos); float getRadius() const; float mIncrementX; float mIncrementY; private: float mRadius; Position mPosition; }; #endif
#include "Bullet.h" Bullet::Bullet( const Position& from, float radius ) : mRadius(radius) ,mPosition(from) ,mIncrementX(0) ,mIncrementY(0){} Position Bullet::getPosition() const { return mPosition; } void Bullet::setPosition( float x, float y ) { mPosition.x = x; mPosition.y = y; } void Bullet::setPosition( const Position& pos ) { mPosition = pos; } float Bullet::getRadius() const { return mRadius; }
#ifndef __POSITION_H__ #define __POSITION_H__ struct Position { float x; float y; Position(float x, float y) { this->x = x; this->y = y; } Position set(float x, float y) { this->x = x; this->y = y; return *this; } }; #endif
#ifndef __HELLOWORLD_SCENE_H__ #define __HELLOWORLD_SCENE_H__ #include "cocos2d.h" #include "Position.h" #include "Bullet.h" #includeUSING_NS_CC; using namespace std; class HelloWorld : public cocos2d::CCLayer { public: struct Increment { float incrementX; float incrementY; Increment(float incrementX, float incrementY) { this->incrementX = incrementX; this->incrementY = incrementY; } }; virtual bool init(); static cocos2d::CCScene* scene(); void menuCloseCallback(CCObject* pSender); CREATE_FUNC(HelloWorld); Increment calc(const Position& from, const Position& to, float angle, float shakeAngle, int index , int count, float speed); double D2R(double angle); double R2D(double radian); virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher(); bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent); virtual void draw(); vector mBullets; }; #endif // __HELLOWORLD_SCENE_H__
#include "HelloWorldScene.h" #define PI 3.14159265 USING_NS_CC; CCScene* HelloWorld::scene() { CCScene *scene = CCScene::create(); HelloWorld *layer = HelloWorld::create(); scene->addChild(layer); return scene; } bool HelloWorld::init() { if ( !CCLayer::init() ) { return false; } CCSize visibleSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getVisibleSize(); CCPoint origin = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getVisibleOrigin(); CCMenuItemImage *pCloseItem = CCMenuItemImage::create( "CloseNormal.png", "CloseSelected.png", this, menu_selector(HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback)); pCloseItem->setPosition(ccp(origin.x + visibleSize.width - pCloseItem->getContentSize().width/2 , origin.y + pCloseItem->getContentSize().height/2)); CCMenu* pMenu = CCMenu::create(pCloseItem, NULL); pMenu->setPosition(CCPointZero); this->addChild(pMenu, 1); this->setTouchEnabled(true); return true; } void HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback(CCObject* pSender) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else CCDirector::sharedDirector()->end(); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) exit(0); #endif #endif } /** from 起始位置 to 触摸点位置 angle 每颗子弹之间的夹角 shakeAngle 子弹的抖动角度 index 子弹下载 count 子弹总数 */ HelloWorld::Increment HelloWorld::calc( const Position& from, const Position& to, float angle, float shakeAngle, int index , int count , float speed) { float mMidValue = ((float)count - 1) / 2; //以子弹起始点为原心,建立直角坐标系 //一,二,三,四象限内,和X轴正负方向,Y轴正负方向,原心9种情况 bool isInQuadrant1 = (to.x > from.x ) && (to.y > from.y); bool isInQuadrant2 = (to.x
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