
来源:网络转载 责任编辑:栏目编辑 发表时间:2013-07-01 17:35 点击:

Being distinguished from many great American writers, Hemingway is famous for his unique writing style. He changes the traditional literary works from tedious style into a kind of concise “telegraph style”. As a matter of fact, his short story--- Hills like White Elephants fully reflects his unique and classic writing style. The story seems simple, but actually artful. Hemingway captures the essence of the plain dialogue of usual life, so a reader may be under an illusion that he was present at the site of the story. And he adds sentiment into concise language. In Hills like White Elephants, the perfect symbolism about “white elephant” and the characteristic ending constructed by Hemingway further gives prominence to his ability in language. Especially, his famous Iceberg Theory is employed perfectly in this story. Hemingway creates a unique writing style that brings a great influence to American letters, even to Europe and all over the world.
Key Words
Dialogue; conciseness; symbolism; writing style; Iceberg Theory
摘 要

Hemingway, who is very famous for his creation of a new and unique writing style, is one of the most influential writers in American literary history during the 20th century, so he is undoubtedly to be the focus of the researchers all over the world. But from all the researches on him, it is easy to find that authors are always focusing on his several long-novels and his The Old Man and the Sea to show his unique writing style. As a matter of fact, his unique writing style is fully and exactly reflected by his short stories, which are drawing more people’s attentions. So this essay takes Hemingway’s short story---Hills Like White Elephants as the focus to give a brief introduction on his unique writing style.
Hills Like White Elephants is one of the most classic short stories of Hemingway. Among all the comments on it, the one by Milan Kundera, a famous Czech writer, is surely attractive and profound. He specifically makes an analysis about the hidden elements of the story, the different characters of the two and so on, especially the real dialogue structure which is simple, clear and beautiful in his minds, contrasting with the drama dialogue structure. And in Researches on Hemingway, edited by Dong Hengxun, the English critic H. O. Bates in his works mainly refers to Hemingway’s concise writing style.

But to sum up, most of the researches on Hemingway’s unique writing style are systematic and theoretical. And the analysis about Hills Like White Elephants although are profound, but not all-round. Accordingly, this essay is based on the purpose that fully shows all the Hemingway’s unique writing style in Hills Like White Elephants and to deepen the readers’ understanding on Hemingway’s unique writing style and his short stories.

Ⅰ. A Brief Introduction to the Author and the Story
Dating back to American literary history, Hemingway is considered as one of the most celebrated and influential writers in the 20th century. Being distinguished from other famous American writers, Hemingway, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1954 for his mastery of the art of modern narration, helps to accomplish a reformation in the literary circles. As a great language master who had contributed a great deal

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