
来源:不详 责任编辑:栏目编辑 发表时间:2013-07-01 05:08 点击:

Recent development of information technologies has brought us new possibilities for teaching and learning classical art and humanities in several different ways. Image plays a key role here. In learning classical Japanese poetry, it is quite important to examine original books and manu******s because even the published books were printed from the wood blocks of engraved words which were written with brush by, in many cases, the authors themselves. Not only the visual art works, but also the literary materials as such pose the problem of authenticity, and this problem itself is closely linked to the interpretation of the literary works and the life history of the authors. Yosa Buson (1716-84), a poet-painter, and his followers best represent this type of artists and must be studied with both texts and images they created. http://www.enfang.com/ 本文来自

The web site for the study of Buson and his group has thus been created at http://www.nime.ac.jp/~saga/buson.html. This site has three major areas: articles on Buson, bibliographic resources on Buson, and pictorial catalogue of haiku and painting works of Buson and his group. Pages are hyper-linked within the site and some pages contain links to other related web sites. Most pages are written in both Japanese and English to attract the learners internationally. The first area contains the author's original papers and essays such as "Poetry as an open space for lightening of Being". To quote only a few paragraphs from there; 本文来自

Within the quietness of a lull in visitors' absence, appears the peony flower!
(seki to ****e kyaku no taema no botan kana) 本文来自

Abstract From the concept of the network university, we deduce its three basic infrastructures:the education center station, the high speed backbone and the user terminal network. we point out that the remote learning online at home will be the most important studying model in the future,so the HomeNet will be a necessary infrastructure platform for remote learning , in this paper we discuss the structure, the key technologies and connection media of HomeNet.

Keywords network university remote learning HomeNet

1. The Background

With the extension of internet in application area, from academies, enterprises to the government departments, the network reaches variable aspects of our society. From knowledge learning, message obtaining to e-commerce, the digital network is all proved a strong pushing strength. With network, the difference of time and space are eliminated, the exchange and communication among people, the resources sharing are becoming much more easier, based on that, more and more applications are developed, and one of which is the network university and remote learning which will be a great revolution to the traditional teaching and learning way. People can study online, exchange thoughts interactively with teachers and schoolmates through network rather than special classrooms in the campus, this will provide a chance to learn knowledge all the life for those who are in work or can’t go into colleges, perhaps the network university will be the most important model to study in a not long future.

The network university consists of three infrastructures: the education center stations which include multimedia courseware, sound and image material etc., the high speed backbone and user terminal network. Our government has made the remote learning a strategy to promote the quality of the nation, the CERNET 2.5GBPS backbone are in construction , and the education center stations have already been implemented successfully in some campuses, so the key to employing the remote learning project lies in the third part---the user terminal network.

The network brings us great flexibility to study online , no doubt , the most often place for people to learn is at home , and with the development of life standard , many families

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