
来源:网络转载 责任编辑:栏目编辑 发表时间:2013-07-01 21:26 点击:

At the time of his death, Fitzgerald was considered as a failed literary hope, a writer victimized by his own indulgences. But since 1940s his literary reputation has steadily risen. Today he is judged to be one of the major American prose writers of this century. In a number of his short stories, and in his finest novel, The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald had revealed the stridency of an age of glittering innocence. In vivid and graceful prose he had, at the same time, described the emptiness and nothingness of American worship of wealth and the unending American dream of love, splendor, and fulfilled desires.
This paper focuses on the study of the similarities between Fitzgerald and Gatsby on the basis of the novel, The Great Gatsby, which consists of several parts as follows:
the first part gives the brief introduction, in which the early days of Fitzgerald and the appearance of Gatsby are introduced. From the ways Fitzgerald used to get the success and the classic posture Gatsby owned in the darkness, we get to know that they are waiting for something which is the symbol of the wealth and the social position.
The second part focuses on the detailed analysis of the similarities between Fitzgerald and Gatsby, which includes their occupation, the way they pursue their top girl, the ways they love and cherish their top girl, and the way to face the cruel and false society, from the analysis we learn that both of them possess an enthusiastic illusion for romantic love with innocence and naiveness.
The last parts makes a conclusion of the paper based on the elementary analysis of the novel, and, in that way, we get to know the idea of the paper that the character of the novel-Gatsby is the embodiment of the author-Fitzgerald.
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摘 要
文学界认为他的去世是因为对文学失去了希望。认为菲茨杰拉德是一个因自我放纵而遭受伤害的作家,40 年代以后他的文学地位日益上升。现在,菲茨杰拉德被认为是二十世纪美国主要的散文作家之一。在菲茨杰拉德的大量短篇故事中,还有他最好的小说《了不起的盖茨比》中,菲茨杰拉德揭示了美国20年代外表闪耀着天真的时代,而其中又有着刺耳的喧嚣。菲茨杰拉德用生动优雅的散文揭露了美国拜金主义的空虚,表现了美国人对爱情,豪华生活和无休止的欲望的无止境的追求。
Since 1940s , the novel The Great Gatsby and the author Fitzgerald have become the focus of the writers and critics, and they paid much attention to them separately, and however, few of them researched the novel and the author together. What’s more, few of people studied the author from the perspective of the main characters of the novel, especially from the perspective of the character of Gatsby, for this, the aim of this paper is to prove: the main character of the novel, Gatsby, is the copy of the author, by comparing the similarities and the differences between Gatsby and Fitzgerald.

Some authors said that one classic masterpiece could display the social background of the author lived in. The novel The Great Gatsby is a miniature of 1920s America, and it redisplayed the process of a group of people trying their best to get the success what they wanted to, with the abnormal mind given by the failed society. So, from the research of the author we could get to know the particular times in which the author lived and get the evidence to prove the notion that Gatsby i
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