
来源:网络转载 责任编辑:栏目编辑 发表时间:2013-07-01 13:29 点击:

      Abstract What can a film tell us? Different people have different opinions. There are countless films describing the WWⅡ, but none of which likes the film Life Is Beautiful is full of love instead of bloody Holocaust. In this film, the writer finds a perfect image of man, a perfect man should not just be successful in career, but pay more attention to building a harmonious family with family members and should be the reliance and spiritual mainstay for his wife and the protective god for his child.
Man has been endowed with many responsibilities and titles, but in the writer’s opinion, family responsibility should be the most important one and the title of husband and father should be the happiest ones.
     Key Words Perfect man; family; responsibility; love
       摘要 一部电影能告诉人们什么?这是个仁者见仁,智者见智的问题。描述二战的电影不胜枚举,但是没有哪一部电影像《美丽人生》一样让人感受到的只有浓浓的爱,而没有其它二战电影中血腥的大屠杀。在这部电影中笔者看到了一个完美男人的形象,一个完美的男人所要具备的不仅仅是事业上的成功,更重要的是和家人一起创造一个美满和谐的家庭,做妻子的依靠和精神支柱,是孩子的保护神。

     关键词 完美男人; 家庭; 责任; 爱
After seeing a film, different people have different opinions. There are many films describing the Second World War, many of which emphasize on the inhumanity of Nazi. Those films are filled with sanguinary scenes which express the slaughter. In ordinary people’s impression, the Second World War is horrible memory especially for the Jewish people. The audiences are convulsed by the bloody scenes again and again.
However, not all of the directors choose the same angle, there is a director choosing to use another angle to reveal the War and to produce a film called Life Is Beautiful. It has less to do with the Holocaust but more to do with the human feelings and the beautiful relationship between a husband and his wife, a father and his son. After watching the film, some audiences may be happy and some may be sad. But no such a piece of art has ever before combined laughter with tears of sadness in and after the movie. The writer does not know what feelings the audiences have after watching the film Life Is Beautiful, but she feels really sad. And she also finds the qualities of a perfect man from the actions of the hero Guido. A successful image for a husband and father is presented by Guido perfectly.
A perfect man should not only be successful in career, but also pay more attention to building a harmonious family with family members and should be the reliance and spiritual mainstay for his wife and the protective god for his child.

Ⅰ. Anatomy of the Film Life Is Beautiful
A. The Creative Background and Main Plots of the Film
The film Life Is Beautiful selected its material from the Jewish life in concentration camp of Nazi , which was the most remarkable picture in the World War Ⅱ.

In 1930s, in Italy, a carefree Jewish bookkeeper named Guido starts a fairy Tale life by courting and marring a lovely woman from a nearby city. When Guido moves from the country to a large Tuscan town where he falls in love with a school teacher Dora. But she is already engaged to another guy, and Guido uses his humor and wisdom to court his “princess” by popping up at unexpected times. Dora abandons her fiancé and chooses Guido.
Then the film jumps ahead to the last months of the war. Guido is married to Dora and they have a son called Giosue. Guido and Giosue are sent to a concentration camp because of their Jewish origin. Dora, who deeply loves his husband and voluntarily follows him, but is sent to another part of the camp. Although the men and women are separated in the concentration
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