
来源:网络转载 责任编辑:栏目编辑 发表时间:2013-07-01 12:15 点击:
   例:Chimpanzees(猩猩) in the wild use simple objects as tools,but in laboratory situations they can use more sophisticated items.
         Most dentists-offices are drab places,while Emilio’s new office is a bright,cheerful place.
         People gathered to look. Three fine streams of hot water sprouted from holes in the jacket(套,壳) of the radiator.
         A man is watering his lawn just as an attractive, well dressed girl walked by. As he ogles her, he accidentally turns the hose on his ugly,dowdy wife.
         The consequences of epochal events such as wars and great scientific discoveries are not confined to a small geographical area.

         Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to your health. They also regard drinking as harmful.
         Robert is considered peremptory administrator because he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.
         When Mark was in pedantic mood, he assumed the manner of a famous professor and gave long lectures on boring, insignificant topics.
         An apple falls down instead of up because of gravity.
         An atomic clock is so precise that it can be used to check the accuracy of predictions based on Einstein’s relativity theories.
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