
来源:网络转载 责任编辑:栏目编辑 发表时间:2013-07-02 06:15 点击:

分析:此次写作题目与昨天我们预测的写作题目之一The Internet重合度非常高,都属于正反论证类,需要考生论述正反两方的观点,并最终表明自己的观点。写作中可用的句型和表达也与The Internet的范文达到高达70%的重合度。具体参加下面的预测范文。

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Internet. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 有人认为网络可以让学习、工作更有效率

2. 还有人认为网络让青少年沉迷,进而影响学习

3. 你对于网络的看法

The Internet

In the era of information and technology, the Internet has played an improtant role in our society. With the Internet, it's easy to get the information we need, improving the efficiency of our study and work. We can't deny that it is impossible for lots of people to achieve great success in the modern society without the Internet.

However, some people think that the Internet has a bad effect on the growth of the teenagers. The teenagers are too young to resist some temptations from the Internet. Some of them indulge themselves in the Internet and at last are lured away from the study.

In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the advantages of the Internet and make the most of it. Meanwhile, we should teach the teenagers how to use the Internet positively, and make the Internet a tool for their healthy development.

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