
来源:网络 责任编辑:栏目编辑 发表时间:2013-07-01 04:08 点击:





select a.clct_date,count(*) from tb_evt_mail_clct a

 where a.clct_date>=to_date('20111016','yyyymmdd') and a.clct_date<=to_date('20111022','yyyymmdd')

 and exists (select 1 from tb_jg b where b.zj_code=a.clct_bureau_org_code and b.city ='合肥市')

 and exists (select 1 from tb_jg d where d.xs_code=substr(a.rcv_area,1,4) and d.city ='安庆市')

  group by a.clct_date order by a.clct_date;



select a.clct_date,count(*) from tb_evt_mail_clct a

 where a.clct_date>=to_date('20111016','yyyymmdd') and a.clct_date<=to_date('20111022','yyyymmdd')

 and exists (select 1 from sncn_zd_jg b where b.zj_code=a.clct_bureau_org_code and b.city ='合肥市')

 and exists (select 1 from tb_jg d where d.xs_code=substr(a.rcv_area,1,4) and d.city ='安庆市')

  group by a.clct_date order by a.clct_date;



select a.clct_date,count(*) from tb_evt_mail_clct a,tb_evt_dlv c

 where a.clct_date>=to_date('20111016','yyyymmdd') and a.clct_date<=to_date('20111022','yyyymmdd')

  and a.mail_num=c.mail_num and c.dlv_sts_code='I'

 and exists (select 1 from tb_jg b where b.zj_code=a.clct_bureau_org_code and b.city ='合肥市')

 and exists (select 1 from tb_jg d where d.zj_code=c.dlv_bureau_org_code and d.city ='安庆市')

  group by a.clct_date order by a.clct_date;



select a.clct_date,count(*) from tb_evt_mail_clct a,tb_evt_dlv c

 where a.clct_date>=to_date('20111016','yyyymmdd') and a.clct_date<=to_date('20111022','yyyymmdd')

  and a.mail_num=c.mail_num and c.dlv_sts_code='I'

 and exists (select 1 from tb_jg b where b.zj_code=a.clct_bureau_org_code and b.city ='合肥市')

 and exists (select 1 from sncn_zd_jg d where d.zj_code=c.dlv_bureau_org_code and d.city ='安庆市')

  group by a.clct_date order by a.clct_date;



 select a.clct_date,count(*)  from tb_evt_mail_clct a,tb_evt_dlv c

 where a.clct_date>=to_date('20111016','yyyymmdd') and a.clct_date<=to_date('20111022','yyyymmdd')

  and a.mail_num=c.mail_num and c.dlv_sts_code='I'

 and exists (select 1 from sncn_zd_jg b where b.zj_code=a.clct_bureau_org_code and b.city ='合肥市')

 and exists (select 1 from sncn_zd_jg d where d.zj_code=c.dlv_bureau_org_code and d.city ='安庆市')

  group by a.clct_date order by a.clct_date;




select aa.rq,aa.sjzl,bb.zszl,cc.ttzl,dd.ztzl,ee.zszt from

(select a.clct_date rq,count(*) sjzl from tb_evt_mail_clct a

 where a.clct_date>=to_date('20111016','yyyymmdd') and a.clct_date<=to_date('20111022','yyyymmdd')

 and exists (select 1 from tb_jg b where b.zj_code=a.clct_bureau_org_code and b.city ='合肥市')

 and exists (select 1 from tb_jg d where d.xs_code=substr(a.rcv_area,1,4) and d.city ='安庆市')

  group by a.clct_date order by a.clct_date) aa


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