
来源:网络收集 责任编辑:栏目编辑 发表时间:2013-07-01 14:30 点击:


// Module Name: Ping.c
// Description:
// This sample illustrates how an ICMP ping app can be written
// using the SOCK_RAW socket type and IPPROTO_ICMP protocol.
// By creating a raw socket, the underlying layer does not change
// the protocol header so that when we submit the ICMP header
// nothing is changed so that the receiving end will see an
// ICMP packet. Additionally, we use the record route IP option
// to get a round trip path to the endpoint. Note that the size
// of the IP option header that records the route is limited to
// nine IP addresses.
// Compile:
// cl -o Ping Ping.c ws2_32.lib /Zp1
// Command Line Options/Parameters:
// Ping [host] [packet-size]
// host String name of host to ping
// packet-size Integer size of packet to send
// (smaller than 1024 bytes)
//#pragma pack(1)


#define IP_RECORD_ROUTE 0x7
// IP header structure
typedef struct _iphdr
unsigned int h_len:4; // Length of the header
unsigned int version:4; // Version of IP
unsigned char tos; // Type of service
unsigned short total_len; // Total length of the packet
unsigned short ident; // Unique identifier
unsigned short frag_and_flags; // Flags
unsigned char ttl; // Time to live
unsigned char proto; // Protocol (TCP, UDP etc)
unsigned short checksum; // IP checksum

unsigned int sourceIP;
unsigned int destIP;
} IpHeader;

#define ICMP_ECHO 8
#define ICMP_MIN 8 // Minimum 8-byte ICMP packet (header)

// ICMP header structure
typedef struct _icmphdr
BYTE i_type;
BYTE i_code; // Type sub code
USHORT i_cksum;
USHORT i_id;
USHORT i_seq;
// This is not the standard header, but we reserve space for time
ULONG timestamp;
} IcmpHeader;

// IP option header - use with socket option IP_OPTIONS
typedef struct _ipoptionhdr
unsigned char code; // Option type
unsigned char len; // Length of option hdr
unsigned char ptr; // Offset into options
unsigned long addr[9]; // List of IP addrs
} IpOptionHeader;

#define DEF_PACKET_SIZE 32 // Default packet size
#define MAX_PACKET 1024 // Max ICMP packet size
#define MAX_IP_HDR_SIZE 60 // Max IP header size w/options

BOOL bRecordRoute;
int datasize;
char *lpdest;

// Function: usage
// Description:
// Print usage information
void usage(char *progname)
printf("usage: ping -r [data size]\n");
printf(" -r record route\n");
printf(" host remote machine to ping\n");
printf(" datasize can be up to 1KB\n");

// Function: FillICMPData
// Description:
// Helper function to fill in various fields for our ICMP request
void FillICMPData(char *icmp_data, int datasize)
IcmpHeader *icmp_hdr = NULL;
char *datapart = NULL;

icmp_hdr = (IcmpHeader*)icmp_data;
icmp_hdr->i_type = ICMP_ECHO; // Request an ICMP echo
icmp_hdr->i_code = 0;
icmp_hdr->i_id = (USHORT)GetCurrentProcessId();
icmp_hdr->i_cksum = 0;
icmp_hdr->i_seq = 0;

datapart = icmp_data + sizeof(IcmpHeader);
// Place some junk in the buffer
memset(datapart,'E', datasize - sizeof(IcmpHeader));

// Function: checksum
// Description:
// This function calculates the 16-bit one's complement sum
// of the supplied buffer (ICMP) header
USHORT checksum(USHORT *buffer, int size)
unsigned long cksum=0;

while (size > 1)
cksum += *buffer++;
size -= sizeof(


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