
来源:网络整理 责任编辑:栏目编辑 发表时间:2013-07-01 10:03 点击:
 /// <summary>
  /// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlConnection
  /// using the provided parameter values.  This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
  /// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  /// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
  /// e.g.: 
  ///  DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(conn, "GetOrders", 24, 36);
  /// </remarks>
  /// <param name="connection">A valid SqlConnection</param>
  /// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
  /// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
  /// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
  public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(SqlConnection connection, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
   if( connection == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "connection" );
   if( spName == null || spName.Length == 0 ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "spName" );

   // If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
   if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
    // Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
    SqlParameter[] commandParameters = SqlHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connection, spName);

    // Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
    AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);

    // Call the overload that takes an array of SqlParameters
    return ExecuteDataset(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
    // Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
    return ExecuteDataset(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);

  /// <summary>
  /// Execute a SqlCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlTransaction.
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  /// e.g.: 
  ///  DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");
  /// </remarks>
  /// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlTransaction</param>
  /// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
  /// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
  /// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
  public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(SqlTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
   // Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlParameters
   return ExecuteDataset(transaction, commandType, commandText, (SqlParameter[])null);

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