来源:未知 责任编辑:责任编辑 发表时间:2013-11-15 19:49 点击:次
<< TypeCode(tr.code) << ": " << indent << buffer
<< dedent << endl
<< "Data addr = "
<< reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(
<< ", offsets addr="
<< reinterpret_cast<const size_t*>( << endl;
if ( {
sp<BBinder> b((BBinder*)tr.cookie);
const status_t error = b->transact(tr.code, buffer, &reply, 0);
if (error < NO_ERROR) reply.setError(error);
} else {
const status_t error = the_context_object->transact(tr.code, buffer, &reply, 0);
if (error < NO_ERROR) reply.setError(error);
//LOGI("<<<< TRANSACT from pid %d restore pid %d uid %d\n",
// mCallingPid, origPid, origUid);
if ((tr.flags & TF_ONE_WAY) == 0) {
LOG_ONEWAY("Sending reply to %d!", mCallingPid);
sendReply(reply, 0);
} else {
LOG_ONEWAY("NOT sending reply to %d!", mCallingPid);
mCallingPid = origPid;
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