2.1 安装说明
(1)MySQL的安装包有很多个,作用也不同,在大多数情况下,只需要安装MySQL-server 和 MySQL-client,其他的包根据需要来安装。
(2)The server RPM places data underthe /var/lib/mysql directory. The RPM also creates a login accountfor a user named mysql (if one does not exist) to use for running theMySQL server, and creates the appropriate entries in /etc/init.d/ tostart the server automatically at boot time. (This means that if you haveperformed a previous installation and have made changes to its startup script,you may want to make a copy of the script so that you do not lose it when youinstall a newer RPM.)
(3)During RPM installation, a usernamed mysql and a group named mysql are created on thesystem. This is done using the useradd, groupadd,and usermod commands. Those commands require appropriateadministrative privileges, which is required for locally managed users andgroups (as listed in the /etc/passwd and /etc/groupfiles) by theRPM installation process being run by root.
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