往 /system/lib添加so文件

来源:未知 责任编辑:责任编辑 发表时间:2014-02-18 03:21 点击:

As android developer, if you use the following command like:

adb push file /system/..

and meet problems like “failed to copy file to /system/…”, such as:

failed to copy ‘file’ to ‘/system/…’: No space left on device
failed to copy ‘file’ to ‘/system/…’: Out of memory

The resolve method is not using the Eclipse or AVD Manager to start the Android emulator, but by use the command first:

$emulator -avd youravdname -partition-size 128

Then you can try the command “adb push file /system/…”, and the problem maybe resolved.
 先启动AVD (我叫做 first)  然后 执行 “adb push file /system/…”,  报错 read-only file 。
 执行命令 adb remount  输出 remount successed  再次执行 “adb push file /system/…” 报错 Out of memory
 执行命令  emulator -avd youravdname -partition-size 128   无输出 然后 系统自动再启动一个新的                   AVD  (second)。
   关闭first  再 second 下执行 “adb push file /system/…”  报错 read-only file
  再执行命令 adb remount 输出 remount successed     再执行 “adb push file /system/…”  
  成功了 看到 文件传输速度哦


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